Drop Forged Coupler Weight:1.05kgs conform to:prEN-74-1:2002 EN-74-B Grade Cruciform and rotational stiffness test is certificated by European Authority.
droped forging swivel coupler weight:1.25kgs conform to prEN-74-C:2002 QUALITY:EN-74-B Grade
Germany Style Droped right angle coupler 48/48 Conform to:pr EN-74-C:2002 Quality:EN-74-B Grade
forged girder clamp(body and cap forged material) Conform to:prEN74-C;2002 Quality:EN74-B Grade
Girder Gravlock Clamp Conform to:prEN474-C:2002 Quality:EN74-B Grade
forged putlog coupler with half T bolt +hook
retaining board clamp
forged swivel coupler with wedge,washer from 9mm-15mm thickness
forged double coupler with wedge
forged fixed clamp with one gravity
Forged Swive Coupler conform to EN74 and Bs1139 Standard, size 3-1/2"x2" (48/89mm)with UNC nut
Germany type fixed coupler 48.3x60.5mm
Germany type swivel coupler 48.3x60.5mm
American type forged double couplers
swivel girder coupler forged
italian type fixed clamp
italian type swivel clamp
half coupler with wing nut or with lock pin